The Impact of Sitting at a Desk and How Massage Therapy Can Help

For many, the past few years have been filled with Zoom meetings and long hours sitting at a desk. As we re-enter the world, it’s important to take note of the impact that this extended time in front of a computer has had on our bodies. At Massage Studio KC, we understand how difficult it can be to maintain good posture and stay comfortable while sitting for long periods throughout the day, especially when working from home. That’s why we offer massage therapy as an effective solution for relieving pain caused by prolonged sitting. Read on to learn more about the effects of sitting at a desk and how massage therapy can help. 

The Effects of Prolonged Sitting 

It’s no secret that spending long hours in front of a computer is not ideal for our health or well-being. But did you know that even if you do have good posture, extended time spent seated can still create tension in your body? That’s right – even if you are mindful about your back and neck alignment, sitting in one position for too long can cause tightness in your muscles due to increased pressure on your spine and joints. In particular, it can affect your hips, shoulders, lower back, neck muscles, and sciatic nerve —all areas that are critical to maintaining healthy posture and balance. 

The Impact of Sitting on Circulation and Digestion

Aside from causing muscle tension, prolonged sitting can also have a negative impact on your circulation and digestion. When you’re seated for too long, your body’s normal movements are restricted, resulting in reduced blood flow throughout the body. This can lead to a decrease in oxygen and nutrients to the muscles and tissue, which can lead to fatigue, headaches, and even digestive issues. 

How Massage Therapy Can Help 

Massage therapy is an effective way to alleviate muscle pain caused by prolonged seated positions. Massage therapy helps relax tense muscles through manipulation techniques that involve applying pressure to trigger points within muscles. This process helps optimize muscle function, which reduces pain and promotes relaxation. Massage therapy also helps restore circulation to the affected area and increases oxygen and nutrient levels to help reduce fatigue. Plus, massage therapy can be beneficial for digestion, as it helps restore balance to the digestive system and improves its overall functioning. 

Ways to Make Time for Massage Therapy During the Workweek

If you’re feeling the effects of extended time spent in front of a computer, massage therapy can provide much-needed relief. Here are a few tips to help you make time for massage therapy during your workweek:

• Set aside a specific amount of time each week or month for massage therapy.

• Make sure to take regular breaks from your desk throughout the day.

• Take advantage of lunchtime or after-work massage sessions.

• Utilize stress-relieving activities like yoga, meditation, or even taking a walk. 

We understand the importance of taking care of your body and how difficult it can be to make time for yourself. That’s why we offer convenient and flexible in-studio massage therapy services during the week and on weekends (Saturday and Sunday).

Click here to book your next appointment.

Michala Uresti